Wednesday 7 July 2021


 For Simon

(Feb 2021)

His humble silence speaks volumes,

compare him to a tree standing in the field

with all the world taking shelter beneath his subtle shade

his unobtrusive presence, giving

always giving


never imposing, nor confounding,


asking every now and then

if this might be the thing

the time

the idea

that might work?

And how,

if he might,

take his place cross legged

upon the stage,

where he might play music

with his friend

so that we

might all

smile with his smile

and dream a little

beneath the shelter of his

gentle shade,

where he could play music endlessly

and the day might vanish in the pleasure of his company,

we might un-crease our brows

un-knot our shoulders

unclench our jaws and



into the clouds

wherefrom, as midnight rain, we might return to the earth

a little kinder

a little softer

a little gentler than before,

resting here

in the shelter of his subtle shade.

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