Friday 14 August 2020

Review of Spitting Teeth

 A poetry collection by Chiara Gabrielli, Alison Paradoxx, Ashlee Karlar & Nico

Published by Paroxysm Press.


Dignity demands defiance.

This book is a fire-cracker

a paint bomb


bursting ripe truth.

Open this and become opened,

for this poetry does not ask permission before it rushes into the home of your mind

and takes what it wants,

sprays graffiti on the walls

sets fire to your decayed ideas

and dances laughing over the reborn fire

of you.

Dignity demands defiance

My dad “doesn't care” that I'm gay but he tells his friends

my boyfriend couldn't come to the party.

I smile and change the subject.

It feels like eating a

summer nectarine and swallowing the stone

There is a universality to experience:

when I close my eyes I can imagine myself as being anyone

experiencing anything

and this is

the root of compassion,

I think.

Dignity requires compassion.

One thousand one hundred and

ninety five sutures

line up on her

bookshelves in place of her

childhood fairy tales

Suffering is universal,

and the crumbling cage of our bodies

is a cause for universal compassion,


universal dignity

can be felt when we let it be felt.

This book is a splint for broken bones

it is a tonic for the frayed parts of my sadness

and you cried as you patched me back together for the

seventeenth time

- for dignity requires compassion.

This book is an instigation, an invitation

Knock Knock This is a street fight

...This is a family war of operatic proportions

We are armed with our coffee ground vodka smooth voices.

Proof of the passion, vitality and anger we held in our throats, just

for your egos.

Dial up, full volume.

Blast and strip you,

strip you of the holy female forms you have tattooed

across your dignity

like a bandaid.

This book pulls no punches

makes no feints

speaks with no sophistic guile

and at times delivers facts so dry they burn the eyes

But let's forget about the battle of the sexes, the venus vs mars,

adam and eve spat we've been


You might not want to hear this boys,

but you are dying.

76% of all “successful” Australian Suicides are committed by males.

That might not be poetic, but that's how the shit sails.

Truth so hot it burns the skin

A girl that we knew began escorting and got gang raped by six men in a hotel room and she didn't go to the police because she knew they would only tell her that she deserved it. That's when I realised how much danger we were really in; how every pole became a post we could be tied to, every caress can turn into a backhand.

This book, this slingshot of spit teeth,

this collaboration of four poets with something to say

does not slip beneath the turmoil of anger, resentment, pain and love,

but folds itself into a paper boat, held aloft by the dignitas of its authors'






and honest

self awareness,

and their

compassion extends itself:

Those bearded blankets once were men

between the tattered threads and cracked beds of fingernails

are their stories, slipping out through mumbled dreamspeak

they barely sleep,but rather,

stop waking. Always waiting.

This book of poems is ...sore and aching

left there to soak into the pavement

lost, along with

the eye contact that none of us make.

This book makes eye contact.

This book is … an indication of a happening event. I'm the point in space that

my words represent. I am the friction of abrasive dissent.

This book is a story, it is many stories.

It is proof that the modern voice of poetry is sharp, witty, educated and articulate. These poets are proof of themselves, proof of a movement, proof of a revolution in sensibilities and dialogue. Their poetry stands up on its own, it dances, it howls, it marches with discipline and directness. The collection these poets have put together is bound with themes of our common experience, with unflinching honesty of both love and pain, and though it is but a slim volume, Spitting Teeth, is a heavy book.


Paroxysm Press

Chiara Gabrielli

Ashlee Karlar

Alison Paradoxx
